Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh dear. Part two.

Yeah, it's getting bad.
  • Balance Bare bar
  • three pepperoni rolls, one meat lovers slice, Coke at Anna Maria's
  • Mountain Dew
  • Grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, bacon, mayo and fruit cup from The Loop
200.2 pounds, 18.1% body fat. Workout was non-existent thanks to Alan's bike! He owes me one workout!


Jane Elizabeth said...

Yeah. He's got plenty to give, so np. If only it were that easy...

Jane Elizabeth said...

oh, and thanks for helping him. If he'd had to go the traditional bike shop repair route, I'm sure it would have been so expensive he would have tried to justify a whole new bike. I deeply and truly thank you for helping him!