Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bad Day.

It was a bad day on two, I didn't eat very well, and two I forgot to post this last night like normal.
  • Balance Bare bar
  • one bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios in whole milk
  • Muscle Provider shake (2 servings)
  • Cytofuse recovery shake
  • pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy from the night before
  • three meat balls, handful of nacho chips and salsa, small barbeque sandwich (tiny, really), some sort of tiny (two bite) tortilla appetizer with chicken in it, two hot dogs, some popcorn (high quality stuff except the hot dogs...didn't have much choice as we were at a basketball game as guests and didn't have time for a proper supper beforehand)
So, no vegetables, couple hot dogs, etc. At least I didn't have much sugar again. Still, not a good day.

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